Abstract Guidelines

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International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC)


IGLC 24 – Boston, USA 2016

On the Brink of the Lean Revolution

Paper, A3, & POSTER Templates

Template and Formatting Instructions for IGLC 2016 Papers 

Template and Formatting Instructions for IGLC 2016 A3 Reports

Template and Formatting Instructions for IGLC 2016 Posters
(Coming soon!)


  • Monday, July 18, 2016 – IGLC 24 Gemba Walks / Unconference (tentative)
  • Tuesday, July 19, 2016 – IGLC 24 Innovation Highlight Day
  • Wed-Fri, July 20-22, 2016 – IGLC 24 Research Conference
  • Sat-Sun, July 23-24, 2016 – IGLC 24 Summer School

We invite researchers from practice and academia in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) to submit abstracts for IGLC 24 which will be held in Boston, USA, in July 2016. We request that authors follow the outline below to help streamline the abstract review and selection process for IGLC 24. Authors will be able to submit abstracts through the conference webpage. Thank you!


Cynthia Tsao and Hal Macomber IGLC 24 Conference Chairs

Christine Pasquire, Thais Alves, and Justin Reginato IGLC 24 Technical Committee


Abstract Review and Selection Process

In 300 words or less, please address the following points:


Question: What question does the conference paper seek to address?


Purpose: What is the purpose of the research?


Research Method:

  • How have you collected your data and arrived at your conclusions?
  • Why should we believe what you are saying?

You need to show the rigor of your study to distinguish between opinion (what you think) and evidence (what you can conclude based on data that you have collected and analyzed).



  • What is your contribution to knowledge?

You need to show why the research is worth archiving for future researchers in practice

and/or academia.


Limitations: How is the research constrained, and what effect has this had? If you do not

recognize the research constraints, it shows a lack of rigor in method.


Implications: Explain the relevance of your work. Why should anyone in practice and/or academia be interested in what you have to say?


Value for Researchers in Practice and/or Academia: How will this work improve Lean Construction practice, education, and/or research?


IGLC Theme: Please identify the theme that best characterizes your research:

  • Production Planning and Control
  • Product Development & Design Management
  • Production System Design
  • People, Culture and Change
  • Supply Chain Management & Prefabrication


Paper Type: Please identify the category that best characterizes your research:

  • Mature research
  • Early research (please consider submission in A3 format only)
  • Case study research
  • Action research
  • Implementation report


Submission Type: Please identify the type of submission for your research:

  • Conference paper with A3 report summary (will be formally presented during the Research Conference).
  • A3 format only (will be presented only during the Poster Sessions) – recommended for authors that have just begun their research.


Rolling Submission Schedule

Due to the success of the rolling submission system implemented by the IGLC 23 Technical Committee, the IGLC 24 Technical Committee welcomes submissions at any time before the Last Responsible Moments listed below.

The Last Responsible Moments are:

  • Friday, February 12, 2016  EXTENDED TO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2016! – Abstract Submission
  • Friday, April 22, 2016 – (Full Paper + A3) or (Poster + A3) Submissions
  • Friday, June 10, 2016 – Camera-Ready Submission

In a rolling submission system, we will work with reviewers to manage abstract and full paper reviews in a one-piece flow fashion to minimize batching in the review process. Furthermore, please note that we cannot guarantee inclusion in the paper proceedings for authors that turn in Camera-Ready Submissions after the Last Responsible Moment. Thank you for your understanding.


About IGLC

Founded in 1993, the IGLC (http://www.iglc.net) is an international network of researchers from practice and academia in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) who feel that the practice, education, and research of the AEC industry have to be radically renewed in order to respond to the global challenges ahead. Annual conferences are the main activity of the IGLC, and their locations rotate amongst the continents.